The Lotus Pad Cats
We have become a bit of a sanctuary for cats at the Lotus Pad. When we arrived we acquired a pregnant female and then plenty more have been though our gates sometimes for a short time sometimes longer. They generally keep themselves to themselves. Sometimes they are around when yoga is on but mostly sleeping somewhere. We love the cats here and for some, just like with people, its become a sanctuary.
If you have allergies to cats this might be an issue for you. We don't allow the cats into guest rooms and mostly in the summer they stay outside the house. Talk with me if this is going to be an issue.
Although we are not a registered charity we would very much appreciate regular donations to the amount of money it takes to feed these cats and vet bills. I have set up a Donate button for one-off or regular payments. Thank you for your help.
If you have allergies to cats this might be an issue for you. We don't allow the cats into guest rooms and mostly in the summer they stay outside the house. Talk with me if this is going to be an issue.
Although we are not a registered charity we would very much appreciate regular donations to the amount of money it takes to feed these cats and vet bills. I have set up a Donate button for one-off or regular payments. Thank you for your help.